studio de nail designer

studio de nail designer

MANHUAÇU (MG) -Foi inaugurado na segunda, dia 30, o Studio Tassila Figueiredo Nail Designer, espaço dedicado ao cuidado completo das unhas. Os clientes, amigos e familiares foram recebidos pela empresária Tassila Figueiredo com um coquetel para comemorar a inauguração.

Com atendimento profissional e especializado, o Studio garante às clientes todas as etapas de trabalho para as unhas – limpeza, esmalte e alongamento. A empresária Tassila Figueiredo conta que enxergou a possibilidade do empreendimento por conta da boa aceitação das clientes de Manhuaçu e região. “Trabalho com unhas em gel, fibra de vidro, fibra de seda, encapsulada, calcificação e fortalecimento de unhas naturais”, contou.

Segundo ela, as novidades na área de unhas têm feito enorme sucesso entre as clientes. “É uma técnica nova que vem atraindo muitas mulheres, uma vez que o serviço mantém as unhas mais duradouras e precisam apenas de manutenções mensais”, detalha.

Avaliações Sobre Universo Unhas

Com o êxito do trabalho atendendo na cidade, a demanda cresceu e Tassila Figueiredo resolveu apostar no novo Studio. “Vi a necessidade de ampliar o serviço e por isso inauguramos este espaço maior, com mais comodidade para as clientes. Agora elas podem fazer todo o procedimento em um único lugar e sair com a unha pronta e linda”, garante.

Tassila Figueiredo se disse feliz com a presença dos amigos e clientes na inauguração, que teve que cumprir as exigências da pandemia da Covid-19 e fez questão de agradecer a quem sempre acreditou no seu trabalho.

Os serviços exclusivos em unhas do Studio Tassila Figueiredo Nail Designer podem ser conferidos na Rua Manoel Martins Pinto, 30 - Bairro Bom Pastor - Manhuaçu

Nail Art Studio Template Logo Stock Vector (royalty Free) 614622125

O Portal Caparaó não se responsabiliza por qualquer comentário expresso no site ou através de qualquer outro meio, produzido através de redes sociais ou mensagens. O Portal Caparaó se reserva o direito de eliminar os comentários que considere inadequados ou ofensivos, provenientes de fontes distintas. As opiniões são de responsabilidade de seus autores.

Com o êxito do trabalho atendendo na cidade, a demanda cresceu e Tassila Figueiredo resolveu apostar no novo Studio. “Vi a necessidade de ampliar o serviço e por isso inauguramos este espaço maior, com mais comodidade para as clientes. Agora elas podem fazer todo o procedimento em um único lugar e sair com a unha pronta e linda”, garante.

Tassila Figueiredo se disse feliz com a presença dos amigos e clientes na inauguração, que teve que cumprir as exigências da pandemia da Covid-19 e fez questão de agradecer a quem sempre acreditou no seu trabalho.

Os serviços exclusivos em unhas do Studio Tassila Figueiredo Nail Designer podem ser conferidos na Rua Manoel Martins Pinto, 30 - Bairro Bom Pastor - Manhuaçu

Nail Art Studio Template Logo Stock Vector (royalty Free) 614622125

O Portal Caparaó não se responsabiliza por qualquer comentário expresso no site ou através de qualquer outro meio, produzido através de redes sociais ou mensagens. O Portal Caparaó se reserva o direito de eliminar os comentários que considere inadequados ou ofensivos, provenientes de fontes distintas. As opiniões são de responsabilidade de seus autores.

Com o êxito do trabalho atendendo na cidade, a demanda cresceu e Tassila Figueiredo resolveu apostar no novo Studio. “Vi a necessidade de ampliar o serviço e por isso inauguramos este espaço maior, com mais comodidade para as clientes. Agora elas podem fazer todo o procedimento em um único lugar e sair com a unha pronta e linda”, garante.

Tassila Figueiredo se disse feliz com a presença dos amigos e clientes na inauguração, que teve que cumprir as exigências da pandemia da Covid-19 e fez questão de agradecer a quem sempre acreditou no seu trabalho.

Os serviços exclusivos em unhas do Studio Tassila Figueiredo Nail Designer podem ser conferidos na Rua Manoel Martins Pinto, 30 - Bairro Bom Pastor - Manhuaçu

Nail Art Studio Template Logo Stock Vector (royalty Free) 614622125

O Portal Caparaó não se responsabiliza por qualquer comentário expresso no site ou através de qualquer outro meio, produzido através de redes sociais ou mensagens. O Portal Caparaó se reserva o direito de eliminar os comentários que considere inadequados ou ofensivos, provenientes de fontes distintas. As opiniões são de responsabilidade de seus autores.

fungal nail growing out

fungal nail growing out

Please be rest assured that we are operating as usual, following all of the COVID-safe regulations to ensure your appointments go ahead safely. All of our staff have the correct PPE, and anyone entering the building will be screened, and their temperature checked.

Even shielding patients are able to access our services safely. Please make sure our reception staff are aware of your shielding status so that we can meet your needs correctly.

Effective Fungal Nail Treatment Cure - Fungal Nail Growing Out

Please ensure that you follow the COVID guidelines when you attend - use the hand sanitiser provided (or wash your hands) and comply with the one metre plus rule.

What Is Pact Fungal Nail Therapy?

Fungal nail infection, otherwise known as Onychomycosis, is a common issue that can affect one, some or all of your toe nails.

At the start of a fungal infection, there are usually no symptoms. The nails can then become thick and painful when they press on the inside of a shoe, they can then be hard to trim. The nail can become uneven, raised and create pressure on the nail bed. Sometimes the infection invades the skin of the toe, which can cause local inflammation and pain.

The nail can also become discoloured, turning white or yellowish and become crumbly which can make you more self-conscious about your feet.

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Fungal toenail infections can be caused by a number of different strains of fungus and yeasts. Medical conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, circulation problems and trauma to the nail can look like a fungal infection. It is important to correctly identify that there is an infection in the nail prior to treatment.

Not all fungal nails need treatment, some patients with a fungal infection are not bothered by them and cause them no discomfort. In that case they can sometimes be left alone ( although patients should remain cautious to avoid spreading the infection to other parts of the body and nails). If the affected nails are uncomfortable or causing a concern then they are usually treated and this treatment is often carried out by a podiatrist.

Fungal Nail Infection - Fungal Nail Growing Out

The aim of the treatment is to get rid of the fungus, the nail will then usually return to normal. Treatment options include a topical based treatment or an oral based treatment. Topical based treatments, such as ones your podiatrist can give you are usually very successful in getting rids of the fungus. Topical treatment will take 3- 12months. This is because the infected and damaged nail does not heal, but instead needs to grow out. However, sometimes they may not be able to clear the deeper parts of an infected nail, though regular removal of abnormal nail material with clippers or filing can help with this. Your podiatrist can offer you further information in the management of your nails.

Toenail Fungus: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

There is a possibility that your nails may not return to normal appearance after treatment. This is because of permanent damage to the nail cells may have occurred while the infection was present. The appearance of the nails can be enhanced with regular care of the nails once the infection is cured.

We use cookies to give you the best experience from our website, visit our website terms and conditions to find out more. By continuing to browse our site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.It is possible to achieve an astounding 95% effective fungal nail treatment cure for treatment resistant nails. Chronic fungal nail (onychomycosis) infections are a challenging dermatogoical disease to eradicate. For an experienced  podiatrist specialising in treating fungal finger and toe nails this poses no problem. By  totally removing the infected  nail plate and then using the Lunula laser, accelerated quick healthy regrowth can be achieved. This combined treatment option works phenomenally well. Compleet Feet demonstrate a  high success rates for chronic infected mycotic nails.

Fungal Nail - Fungal Nail Growing Out

On average just 5 – 9 days post-operatively the nail bed is dry. Lunula laser treatments can now start. The Lunula laser is totally painless. It combines the powerful effect of 2 proven therapeutic laser wave-lengths to accelerate quick nail growth. It will target  and eradicate any rogue fungal spores. These may be trapped within nail folds and surrounding tissues. The reason many fungal nail treatments fail is because the dormant spores are not targeted. In chronically infected nails spores are trapped in treatment resistant biofilms.

How To Treat Fungal Nail Infection?

Toenails grow at just 1 – 1.62mm per month. A big toenail can take 12 – 18 months to fully grow back from it’s base (matrix) to distal free edge.  A fungal infected nail has retarded nail growth with very little forward expansion, but more upward thickening. The Lunula laser has an FDA clinical acknowledgement for substantially accelerate  nail plate growth. This is essential when tackling recalcitrant fungal nail infections. The quicker the nail growth, the success rates exponentially increase. Basically stopping dermaphytes in their tracks and allowing the body to fight back.

A session of Lunula laser will increase blood flow and nutrition to the nail’s germinal matrix. The result is a burst of new keratin nail cell turnover. Nail growth can be doubled, also the actual nail bed structure is reconditioned and strengthened. Just weeks after a nail plate removal there can appear to be a new nail plate. This is noted with smaller digits. It is a ‘pseudo’ nail, just keratinisation of the nail bed’s epidermis. Can be confused with new  regrowth, but the actual nail plate is still on it’s way.

Explainer: Why Do We Get Fungal Nail Infections And How Can We Treat Them? - Fungal Nail Growing Out

Patience is required and it does pay-off. Healthy new nail regrowth is soon observed. Nail plate development is normalised which was not achieved with conservative fungal nail treatments even oral drug therapy. It must be taken into consideration that a fungal infected nail has slow growth. If most of the nail plate is occluded with mycotic infection right down to the base, a long course of oral medication must be taken for 6-9 months. This is to safely get nail infection pushed out to free edge. A short course of drugs will have a high failure rate. Unfortunately, even after long course, for some individuals  there may still be the presence of a drug resistant biofilm.

The Best Fungal Nail Treatments

The treatment approach of nail plate removal combined with Lunula laser really does offer the best chance of an effective cure. A  95% effective fungal nail treatment. The Before and After photographs featured with this article demonstrate how quickly and well new healthy nail plates can grow back. In the case of this patient he almost had complete healthy nail plates within 5 months! Photographs don’t lie.

One of the major benefits of this treatment approach compared to just having a course of Lunula laser, is patients are closely monitored up to a year. This is how we can state a 95% cure rate. Lunula laser treatment outcomes are not well recorded in literature reviews past 3 months. Patients with infected nails have a course of Lunula and then disappear. Are they cured or do they get re-infected and just  give up?

Do I Have Nail Fungus? Signs You Have A Nail Infection - Fungal Nail Growing Out

There is a possibility that your nails may not return to normal appearance after treatment. This is because of permanent damage to the nail cells may have occurred while the infection was present. The appearance of the nails can be enhanced with regular care of the nails once the infection is cured.

We use cookies to give you the best experience from our website, visit our website terms and conditions to find out more. By continuing to browse our site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.It is possible to achieve an astounding 95% effective fungal nail treatment cure for treatment resistant nails. Chronic fungal nail (onychomycosis) infections are a challenging dermatogoical disease to eradicate. For an experienced  podiatrist specialising in treating fungal finger and toe nails this poses no problem. By  totally removing the infected  nail plate and then using the Lunula laser, accelerated quick healthy regrowth can be achieved. This combined treatment option works phenomenally well. Compleet Feet demonstrate a  high success rates for chronic infected mycotic nails.

Fungal Nail - Fungal Nail Growing Out

On average just 5 – 9 days post-operatively the nail bed is dry. Lunula laser treatments can now start. The Lunula laser is totally painless. It combines the powerful effect of 2 proven therapeutic laser wave-lengths to accelerate quick nail growth. It will target  and eradicate any rogue fungal spores. These may be trapped within nail folds and surrounding tissues. The reason many fungal nail treatments fail is because the dormant spores are not targeted. In chronically infected nails spores are trapped in treatment resistant biofilms.

How To Treat Fungal Nail Infection?

Toenails grow at just 1 – 1.62mm per month. A big toenail can take 12 – 18 months to fully grow back from it’s base (matrix) to distal free edge.  A fungal infected nail has retarded nail growth with very little forward expansion, but more upward thickening. The Lunula laser has an FDA clinical acknowledgement for substantially accelerate  nail plate growth. This is essential when tackling recalcitrant fungal nail infections. The quicker the nail growth, the success rates exponentially increase. Basically stopping dermaphytes in their tracks and allowing the body to fight back.

A session of Lunula laser will increase blood flow and nutrition to the nail’s germinal matrix. The result is a burst of new keratin nail cell turnover. Nail growth can be doubled, also the actual nail bed structure is reconditioned and strengthened. Just weeks after a nail plate removal there can appear to be a new nail plate. This is noted with smaller digits. It is a ‘pseudo’ nail, just keratinisation of the nail bed’s epidermis. Can be confused with new  regrowth, but the actual nail plate is still on it’s way.

Explainer: Why Do We Get Fungal Nail Infections And How Can We Treat Them? - Fungal Nail Growing Out

Patience is required and it does pay-off. Healthy new nail regrowth is soon observed. Nail plate development is normalised which was not achieved with conservative fungal nail treatments even oral drug therapy. It must be taken into consideration that a fungal infected nail has slow growth. If most of the nail plate is occluded with mycotic infection right down to the base, a long course of oral medication must be taken for 6-9 months. This is to safely get nail infection pushed out to free edge. A short course of drugs will have a high failure rate. Unfortunately, even after long course, for some individuals  there may still be the presence of a drug resistant biofilm.

The Best Fungal Nail Treatments

The treatment approach of nail plate removal combined with Lunula laser really does offer the best chance of an effective cure. A  95% effective fungal nail treatment. The Before and After photographs featured with this article demonstrate how quickly and well new healthy nail plates can grow back. In the case of this patient he almost had complete healthy nail plates within 5 months! Photographs don’t lie.

One of the major benefits of this treatment approach compared to just having a course of Lunula laser, is patients are closely monitored up to a year. This is how we can state a 95% cure rate. Lunula laser treatment outcomes are not well recorded in literature reviews past 3 months. Patients with infected nails have a course of Lunula and then disappear. Are they cured or do they get re-infected and just  give up?

Do I Have Nail Fungus? Signs You Have A Nail Infection - Fungal Nail Growing Out

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The morovan poly gel kit earned perfect scores in most categories including drying time finished appearance longevity ease of removal and nail integrity after removal we only marked it down for ease of use since there was a slight learning curve to applying the gel nails

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The best gel nail polishes with and without uv light with picks from brands like opi essie and sally hansen that are easy to remove and won 39 t damage nails search subscribe

The morovan poly gel kit earned perfect scores in most categories including drying time finished appearance longevity ease of removal and nail integrity after removal we only marked it down for ease of use since there was a slight learning curve to applying the gel nails

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The best gel nail polishes with and without uv light with picks from brands like opi essie and sally hansen that are easy to remove and won 39 t damage nails search subscribe

The morovan poly gel kit earned perfect scores in most categories including drying time finished appearance longevity ease of removal and nail integrity after removal we only marked it down for ease of use since there was a slight learning curve to applying the gel nails

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nail technician naics code

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The naics code for beauty salons is naics 81211 naics code 81211 is also the business code for other businesses in the personal care industry such as hair salons and nail salons for med spas dermatologists and other businesses that provide medical skin care services see naics code 62

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Naics code 812113 description this u s industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing nail care services such as manicures pedicures and nail extensions more details naics code 812113 nail salons is a final level code of the other services except public administration sector

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NAICS Code 812112 - Nail Technician Naics Code

North american industry classification system naics canada 2012 introduction 81 other services except public administration 812 personal and laundry services 8121 personal care services us 81211 hair care and esthetic services us

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Naics 812113 nail salons this u s industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing nail care services such as manicures pedicures and nail extensions products for business advisors for business owners executives for research industry average ratios how it works about us resources one on one demo sample reports free trial

The national average income for nail technicians is 56 838 per year it 39 s important to remember that individual salaries for nail technicians can vary depending on where they work such as at a boutique cruise ship mall or beauty salon other factors influencing a nail tech 39 s salary include education experience and location

NAICS Code 33991 - Nail Technician Naics Code

Nail technicians are required to complete a state approved cosmetology or nail technician program most areas have a local cosmetology school or offer trade classes in personal care

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How much does a nail technician make in the united states average base salary data source tooltip for average base salary 21 51 average 21 51 low 8 87 high

An entry level nail technician with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation includes tips bonus and overtime pay of 11 04 based on 10 salaries

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Nails department is the first nail supplies store that servicing nails technician salons and spa in bali as a fast growing one of the best spa industries in the world bali has very good demand on nails products we provide range of nail polish treatments tools with high end brand and the best quality for professional products

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Naics 812113 nail salons this u s industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing nail care services such as manicures pedicures and nail extensions products for business advisors for business owners executives for research industry average ratios how it works about us resources one on one demo sample reports free trial

The national average income for nail technicians is 56 838 per year it 39 s important to remember that individual salaries for nail technicians can vary depending on where they work such as at a boutique cruise ship mall or beauty salon other factors influencing a nail tech 39 s salary include education experience and location

NAICS Code 33991 - Nail Technician Naics Code

Nail technicians are required to complete a state approved cosmetology or nail technician program most areas have a local cosmetology school or offer trade classes in personal care

The Looking Glass Hair And Nail Salon

How much does a nail technician make in the united states average base salary data source tooltip for average base salary 21 51 average 21 51 low 8 87 high

An entry level nail technician with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation includes tips bonus and overtime pay of 11 04 based on 10 salaries

Naics Codes - Nail Technician Naics Code

Nails department is the first nail supplies store that servicing nails technician salons and spa in bali as a fast growing one of the best spa industries in the world bali has very good demand on nails products we provide range of nail polish treatments tools with high end brand and the best quality for professional products

September Reward And Recognition Winners Jose (ivan) Ramos And Angel (bimbo) Nunez!

Nomor kode pos jalan r rasuna said haji desa karet kuningan kecamatan setia budi kota jakarta selatan propinsi dki jakarta

Nomor kode pos kayu manis kecamatan matraman kota jakarta timur propinsi dki jakarta

Six Digit NAICS Codes Identified As Representing Biomedical Devices... - Nail Technician Naics Code

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Golden Nails & Spa Welcome to Golden Nails & Spa, a nail salon spas located in Berkeley, CA. Situated on 1303 San Pablo Ave, … Nail Salon Spas USA, California, Berkeley, CA

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purple phoenix nail supply

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Purple phoenix nail supply 23 posts 202 followers 155 following purple phoenix nail supply we provide quality and affordable nail products we sell amethyst nail liquid which is a true low odor monomer works with all hema free 9 free bestmonomer com posts reels videos tagged

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Gray Skies (p33)

opi nail envy reviews

opi nail envy reviews

How often do we hear that? Surprisingly, if nature didn’t grant you with long and strong nails, it’s quite simple to fix. Just start using a great nail strengthener and take vitamins! We’ve already featured two of the nail strengtheners that really work –

OPI Nail Envy (Original Formula) will improve the strength of your nails, helping them grow stronger and longer. It also improves resistance against cracking, splitting and peeling.

New OPI Nail Envy Nail Strengthener Strength + Color: Review And Swatches - Opi Nail Envy Reviews

Application is very smooth and easy, drying in a matter of seconds. After using this product for 4 weeks there was a noticeable difference in nail strength but some nails were still peeling a little bit.

Opi Treatment Nail Envy Original # 37872

, which are two key strengthening ingredients. Keep in mind that for those of you who have sensitive nails, allergies or simply would like to keep it chemical-free, this product contains Formaldehyde (one of the big 3 chemicals).

OPI Nail Envy (Original Formula) nail strengthener is best suited for those with relatively healthy nails that require a little bit of a push to get stronger and start growing longer. However, it may not suit those who are sensitive to

Also, it’s formula is very thin and fast drying but because of that, it doesn’t smooth out any nail imperfections in the same way that Essie Grow Stronger does for instance. Other than that, it’s a fantastic product and a great base coat for your daily manicures.

Opi Nail Envy Original Reviews

OPI Dior Chanel Orly Essie Kester Black Dance Legend Sally Hansen Diorific Sea Siren Cirque Colors Mavala Ulta3 Bio Sculpture Marc Jacobs YSL Mint Polish Picture Polish Boutique Say It WIth Polish Hello Darling Christian Louboutin Dolce & Gabbana NailsInc Estee Lauder Maybelline NY Ciate Revitanail Revlon Clarins Tom Ford Illamasqua Napoleon Perdis Jurlique Fendi Burberry Faby Guerlain Kat Von D Jamberry Lancome Bourjois Emily De Molly Femme Fatale Australis Fing'rs NARS Platinum Severina Jacqueline Burchell Arcane Lacquer Kenzo FOA MAC Givenchy NCLA Nails Inc Manicare Essence Max Factor Sinful Colors Seche Vite Butter London Gloss n Sparkle Alanna Renee Shades of Phoenix The Body Shop Barry M Glam by Manicare Bloom Cosmetics Burts Bees Nailtiques Blackmores Swisse Korres Isadora Rimmel Jessica Cosmetics Incoco Glam Polish FUN Lacquer Tommy G GT Cosmetics FNUG Illesteva Julep Limecrime Armani KB Shimmer Inglot Niyo & Co The Jojoba Company Lillalab Kiko Cosmetics Pupa L'Oreal Dazzle Dry Formula X Gucci Anya Hindmarch Rocknailstar Louis Vuitton Smith & Cult Opallac Young Nails

Blue pink Black Green Glitter Red Gold Purple White Yellow Silver Pastel black and white Nude Ombre Orange Teal Duochrome Mint Textured Nails Brown Grey Dark Red black and gold Holographic Shimmer Matte Lilac Neon Turquoise Red and Gold Coral Chameleon Burgundy blue and gold Emerald gold and black Rose Gold Metallic Bronze Taupe Gunmetal black and orange Red and Black Red and White Black and Silver Blue and Red Navy Silver and Blue Red and Green White and Blue Gold and Brown Green and Gold Marsala White and Gold Chrome Khaki Peach Radiant Orchid Plum Mauve

O.P.I Nail Envy - Opi Nail Envy Reviews

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Opi Nail Envy Nail Strengthener Transforms Shoppers' Nails

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The best-selling variety of Nail Envy is the original formula, but OPI also carries an array of other formulas to target specific nail problems.  I chose the moisturizing formula of Nail Envy for Dry & Brittle Nails (in the red bottle).  Even though my nails seem pretty strong and grow at a decent rate, I do experience a lot of breakage.  If I accidentally bang my hand on something-  my nail will typically break or crack.   I hoped that the moisturizing formula for Dry & Brittle Nails would restore flexibility.  My results are to follow…but let’s check out my before and after pics first!!

OPI Nail Envy Review - Opi Nail Envy Reviews

The instructions say to apply two coats, and then an additional coat every other day.  After a week you must remove it all and start the process over again.  Since I change my nail color often, I was unable to follow their plan to a tee… so I applied two coats, then my nail color- and left that on through the next day.  Then on the third day I removed all polish and applied two more coats of Nail Envy and then my nail color, etc…  So basically, I was still able to apply the strengthener every other day as directed, but I didn’t get to build up the layers over a week’s time as recommended.  I decided to test the product out this way over a 10 day period…

Opi Matte Nail Envy Reviews

From looking at the pics my nails look somewhat the same, just longer.  But here’s how I know this product really, really works….

Day 2- I banged my hand really hard on a metal fixture and experienced a minor snafu on my right-hand middle finger.  The impact to the nail caused the top layer to peel off on my tip.  Boo.  Very typical of my usual, “MAN, I broke a nail!”….. but remember, I only had one application of the product on at this time.  After I tore the peeled layer off I decided not to file or buff it, I just applied more Nail Envy.  I was impressed how the raw peeled area smoothed over and healed over time!  Within a few days the surface of that area seemed very even and almost like the peely layers were fusing back together!

KellieGonzo: OPI Nail Envy Strength In Color Collection Swatches & Review - Opi Nail Envy Reviews

Day 8- I whacked my hand on the wall while half asleep.  Not sure what happened exactly, but I know it involved my naughty cat Fergie.  My whole finger and nail bed hurt, so I flipped on the lights to assess the nail damage (this was the same nail that was impacted on day 2).  To my surprise- there was no damage!  My nail must’ve bent and absorbed the shock without breaking or cracking!  I left a pink nail polish mark on the wall, and my finger hurt like heck, but my nails were just fine.  I went back to bed with a smile on my face.

Opi Nail Envy Original Reviews 2023

Day 9- Ok, I’m starting to sound like a major klutz- but I picked something up and it slipped out of my hand…and my left-hand middle finger nail bent backwards!  Ouch- don’t you hate when that happens?  It gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.   But I’m so glad that my nail didn’t snap!  It simply bent backwards, and then went back to normal. Very impressive.

♥ By day 10 I can attest that this product made my nails much more flexible and resistant to breakage!  It seems to have restored hydration and made my nails less fragile.  I would definitely recommend this product!  The key may be to find the formula that would work best for you.  You can research the different formulas here on the OPI website.

Swatch Saturday: OPI Nail Envy Strength In Color Collection! - Opi Nail Envy Reviews

Ten days was a long time… and my nails just kept growing and growing!  I cannot wait to file and shape my nails now!  Til next time…….

Value) Opi Original Nail Envy Nail Strengthener, Maximum Strength Formula, 0.5 Oz